Portfolio of Schoolwork
The portfolio for each student may be a notebook, or file for each subject or course. Dates, events, materials, when field trips occurred and where, all should be recorded as accurately as possible. Since we are educationally minded, you will find that there will be much to record or save. High school students should remember that these records and evaluations may be useful later toward a resume or portfolio for the student if applying for work or school elsewhere.
This may include:
Records of field trips
Movies or videos on educational, historical, or literary work
Speaking assignments and research
Courses taken, such as computer, foreign language, gym classes
Music or art lessons
Computer, automotive, or home repair manuals.
How-to books, gardening, cooking, and sewing books, etc. or other written materials
Keeping a portfolio is good even if you also test the student(s). Keep all their work in a file for each subject, whether the student is in high school or elementary school. Record the instructor's name (or supervisor's or employer's name) and where the instruction (or work, etc.) was done, and when. Try to get a certificate, statement, or written evaluation from the instructor, institution, employer, or supervisor. Keep a record of hours worked if doing vocational work. Keep all written materials studied that support that vocational work. New System School requires written materials to be used in conjunction with all courses, and all courses must include progressive learning. This progression may be kept documented in a portfolio listing skills mastered, goals reached, and materials studied.
One should save all testing, whether it is done privately or by others. You may record socialization with other students or friends that could be classed into subject courses. Example: Playing ball with a group may be kept in a Physical Education portfolio. Note what activities occurred, when they happened, and evaluate the student's participation. Put this in the portfolio for that subject. Any details that will substantiate the progress of the student in each subject should be kept in the portfolio for that subject.